Whether a company can claim trademark registration of a foreign brand name in its native country

Can You Register a Foreign Brand Name as Your Trademark in India?

Trademarks are symbols that identify the source and quality of goods and services. They help consumers to distinguish between different products and brands in the market. Trademarks also protect the reputation and goodwill of the owners who invest time, money, and effort in creating and promoting their brands.

But what if you want to register a trademark that is already owned by another company in a foreign country? Is it legal or ethical to do so? What are the risks and benefits of such a strategy? In this blog post, I will try to answer these questions from an Indian perspective.

Possibility 1: The Foreign Company Does Not Want to Enter India

The first scenario is that the foreign company that owns the original brand name does not have any intention or plan to enter the Indian market. This could be a rare case, considering that India is one of the fastest-growing and largest economies in the world, and many foreign brands are eager to tap into its huge potential.

In this case, you may have a chance to file a trademark application for the foreign brand name in India and get it registered without any opposition. However, this does not mean that you are safe and secure. You should be very cautious and aware of the possible consequences if the foreign company changes its mind and decides to enter India later.

Possibility 2: The Foreign Company Wants to Enter India

The second scenario is that the foreign company that owns the original brand name has an interest or plan to enter the Indian market. This could be a more likely case, considering that many foreign brands are already present or planning to enter India in various sectors.

In this case, you may face a lot of challenges and risks if you try to register the foreign brand name as your trademark in India. The foreign company may oppose your trademark application or file a lawsuit against you for trademark infringement, passing off, or unfair competition. The foreign company may also claim prior use and trans-border reputation of its brand name in India, which are well-recognized principles by the Indian courts and the Trademark Registry.

Risks of Registering a Foreign Brand Name as Your Trademark in India

If you register a foreign brand name as your trademark in India, you may face the following risks:

  • You may lose your trademark registration if the foreign company proves that it has prior use or trans-border reputation of its brand name in India.
  • You may have to pay damages or compensation to the foreign company for infringing its trademark rights and harming its reputation and goodwill.
  • You may have to stop using the foreign brand name and change your branding strategy, which may cause confusion and loss of customers.
  • You may damage your own reputation and credibility as a business owner who tries to copy or imitate another brand.

Benefits of Registering a Foreign Brand Name as Your Trademark in India

If you register a foreign brand name as your trademark in India, you may enjoy the following benefits:

  • You may be able to attract customers who are familiar with or prefer the foreign brand name over other brands.
  • You may be able to leverage the goodwill and quality associated with the foreign brand name for your own products or services.
  • You may be able to prevent other competitors from using the same or similar brand name in India.


Registering a foreign brand name as your trademark in India is a risky and controversial strategy that may have some benefits but also many challenges and consequences. It is advisable to consult a trademark attorney before taking such a step and weigh the pros and cons carefully. Alternatively, you may consider creating your own unique and distinctive brand name that reflects your identity and values as a business owner.

I hope you found this blog post helpful and informative. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me.

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